Enrolment Form 2024Leanne Crowe2023-12-04T05:39:04+10:00 Gymnastics Enrolment Form 2024Springwood & District Citizens Boys & Girls Club Inc. "*" indicates required fields 1Gymnast2Contact Details3Membership Information4Uniform (Optional)5Signature Please complete 1 registration form per participantGymnast's DetailsFirst Name* Middle Name* Surname* Nickname Date of Birth* DD slash MM slash YYYY Age on 01/01/2024* HiddenAge in MonthsYour child's age must be 02 months or older to be eligible for enrolmentGender: Male Female Home Phone Number*Home Address* Suburb* Postcode* Please specify any disabilities, weaknesses/previous injuries or allergies and first aid required.* Contact/Parents DetailsYour email addresses will be used to send invoices/receipts & some club correspondence. Please add us to your address book & check your email regularly.Contact #1 If you are an adult participant, please put yourself as contact #1Name* Relation to gymnast* Mobile Number* Email Address* Contact #2 * A second contact is required to ensure we can get in contact with you in case of an emergency.Name* Relation to gymnast* Mobile Number* Email Address* Postal Address (if applicable) Suburb Postcode Previous Gymnastics Experience/Membership* Yes, at Springwood Boys and Girls Club Yes, at another gymnastics club Previous gymnastics club: No, but other members of our family are currently enrolled in gymnastics classes or have previously participated in gymnastics classes at Springwood Boys & Girls Club None, no member of our family has done gymnastics at Springwood Boys & Girls Club Gymnastics Club Name Uniform Details All gymnasts must wear club uniform while participating in gymnastics classes at Springwood Boys & Girls Club Girls: Club T-shirt or Polo with black bike shorts/tights OR club leotard Boys: Boys: Club T-shirt or Polo with black shorts/trackpantsClub T-shirts are available in sizes 2,4,6,8,10,12,14 &16 (cost $20.00 each) Yes, we would like to order a T-shirt No, we already have a T-shirt or will purchase uniform at a later date Size*Size246810121416 Authority & Acknowledgement of conditions By signing below I confirm and agree to the following I agree to the above named gymnast attending Springwood Boys & Girls Club I have read and understand Springwood Boys & Girls Club’s Rules & Policies (available on the club’s website & in print form at club) and agree to the terms and conditions stated therein I recognise that participation in physical activity carries reasonable assumption of risk and understand that any activities in which he/she participates is entirely at his/her own risk. I will not hold Springwood Boys & Girls Club, its staff or volunteers responsible for any loss of property and/or accident. In the event of an accident or illness I authorise the obtaining on my behalf, such medical assistance as my child may require and I agree to pay any costs incurred. The information on this form is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and I agree to advise Springwood Boys & Girls Club promptly of any changes that may occur. I give permission for the gymnast to be photographed/videoed while participating in activities at Springwood Boys & Girls Club or at representative activities and I consent for these photos/videos to be used for publicity if required, in both print and electronic form. Note: if you do not wish the gymnast to be photographed/videoed you need to inform the club in writing. Please affix your signature below:Signature*Date signed* DD slash MM slash YYYY Name* Registration Details (Office use only)HiddenRegistration DetailsClassDayTimeLength (hrs) Add RemoveHiddenTotal Weekly Hours HiddenInvoice no. HiddenTotal Due HiddenPayment Date MM slash DD slash YYYY NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.