Registration Procedure
- How to enrol
To register your interest to enrol yourself or your child into one of our classes, you will need to:
- 1. Complete the enrolment form Click here
- 2. Please ensure you read the details below about the enrolment process so you know what to expect.
NOTE: All enrolments will be reviewed by our administration team to ensure there is sufficient availability in the class, and that the participant suits the class requirements. We will communicate with you as soon as possible.
- Our club administration will send you an email with instructions regarding how to use our online portal.
- Once you are registered for the online portal you will be able to select classes for yourself or your children.
- Please allow 7 days for a response as our administration staff are part-time only.
- If you do not hear from us in that time, please follow with a phone call and/or email us
- In the portal, if your preferred class is shown as full please email & request to be put on the waiting list. We will place you or your child on a waiting list and as soon as a position is available our administration will contact you. You are more than welcome to select another class in the meantime.
- Once you have received a confirmation email, which confirms your position in the class, full payment of all fees needs to be made within 7 days. Fees must be received at least 2 working days before commencing classes if paying by EFT to allow time for processing. EFT is preferred however, exact cash payment on the day or before is also possible. We do not have change at the club so the exact amount is required.
- Active Kids vouchers can be used towards Term fees. Click here for instruction on using Active Kids vouchers.

Trial Classes
- We offer trial classes when there are vacancies.
- These trials cost $20 per child for a one hour class.
- Trials in longer classes are organised at the discretion of the Head Coach.
- This amount is payable in exact cash or card prior to the start of the class.
You will also need to follow the below procedures:
Please submit the enrolment form here
If you wish to trial a class, please contact our administration staff by telephone or email us here to request a trial.
Please allow 7 days for processing due to part-time administration.